Oran White Civic Center

Renting the Oran White Civic Center

Policies on the Use or Rental of Oran White Civic Center

1. Reservations are made on a first come, first served basis.

2. The City Council of the City of Tool will have first priority of all reservations.

3. All Youth groups must be properly chaperoned by an adult.

4. Children are restricted from playing in the parking lot.

5. All Groups will be held responsible for damages done to and inside of the Oran White Civic Center.

6. All Visitors must clean up after themselves and leave the Oran White Civic Center in the manner in which it was found.

7. All Lights must be turned out, the heat and air conditioning turned off and all trash removed.

8. City Officials will have the privilege of checking the facilities at all times.

9. A $200.00 written check deposit is required and will be refunded when the key is returned (within 48 hours) and all requirements are met. The key must be returned during normal business hours, (Monday through Friday, 8am-4:30pm) The check deposit must be presented at the time the key is picked up.

10. A fee of $50.00, per day is required for the use of the Oran White Civic Center. Additional charges may apply based upon circumstances. The only group exempt from this charge: Malakoff ISD, Non-Profits, Philanthropic groups, groups for public good or City centered groups. The fee must be paid at the time the key is picked up.

Online Rental Agreement
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